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Working With Porrirua City Council

Over the last couple of months the committee has been engaging with Porirua City Council around the possibility of tagging land for a new club at the north end of the beach. Our current club is within the coastal erosion zone, our lease runs out in 10 years and, as many of you will be aware we have outgrown our club rooms. 

Progress to date: On 25th May we made a submission under the Reserves Management Act to request that land is reserved for us for ‘future surf club development’ and have also presented verbal submissions to a Porirua City Council meeting. We are also in active conversations with the PCC’s project team responsible for the “Titahi Bay Beach Master Planning: Arotahi” project who are shortly to begin long term planning for the north end of Titahi Bay beach. 

Next Steps: Our next steps are: 

  • To remain an active voice on the council’s project as we are the number one tenant on the beach, 

  • To become involved in the council’s long term planning process so that we can future proof our club,

  • Determine our own timeline,

  • Determine and document our vision for a new club facility: what are our ‘needs’ and ‘wants’?

We will shortly be meeting with the Arotahi project team again with a view to: 

  • Indicate that we are open to collaboration on shared spaces with PCC,

  • Note that there may be challenges with rezoning some of the land,

  • Being clear that North End is where we want to be.  

This is an opportunity to further raise the clubs profile in Titahi Bay, Porirua and the wider area and secure our future. Our club “is significant and of value to the whole of Porirua and the wider community”.  If you have any questions please contact Kaye or Deborah and if you are interested and could help this important piece of work let us know by emailing Deborah.